Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gianna's Ruffles

Gianna rebounded well today. She had a solid (if not noisy) sleep last night, and started out a little cranky in the morning, but she's back on track. She had a few good naps with Mommy and one with Daddy when he got home from work. Then we all went for a nice walk once the Thunderstorms passed through and the temps dropped into the 70's.

Gianna has several outfits that have ruffles. I think they are so cute...and since she's not walking or crawling yet (and since she has such a tiny derrière! :) - it's not easy to get a picture of the ruffles...Here are a couple in her Ballerina Pajamas...almost like a little Tutu.

Gianna taking a little nap

...and her Cherry Red
Two Piece...

Gianna's going to try to get some rest over the next few days to get ready to meet her cousins Nick and Millie for the first time.

The Brunners Three

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