Yeah Gianna!
Today was Gianna's first day with just Mommy and Daddy at home...Gianna did a great job sleeping again last night. It was hard for Daddy to leave for work in the morning, but Mommy and Gianna were sleeping so soundly...and Mommy and Gianna had a great day together. Gianna was hungry from her long night of sleeping, so she ate very often today. We could tell that Gianna missed Grandma and Papa Greco. Daddy came home early from work and shared a nice two hour nap with Gianna on his chest when he got home.
The temps dropped into the 70's in the evening and we went for another nice walk in Gianna's stroller.
Gianna really enjoyed her bath tonight and was so relaxed and warm...
...she was very content afterwards...
...and seemed to really enjoy getting her hair brushed too!
We followed the tip from our friends at Hermannation and uploaded some of our videos of Gianna's first day at home...We found them very cute - hope you do too! :)
The Brunner's Three
Love the video! She really WAS smiling when she went into her room! :-)