Monday, April 5, 2010

Gianna's First Easter

Gianna's first Easter was a beautiful sunny day. Gianna slept twelve hours and woke up very happy - maybe she heard the Easter Bunny hopping by?

Here's some video of Gianna hunting for her Easter Basket.

The Brunners Three

1 comment:

  1. Sooooooooo...

    1) What a great crawler she's turned into! Practically overnight, it seems!

    2) It didn't take her long to catch on to the new toy, did it? Impressive.

    3) And how about how she scooted egg #2 along the carpet using egg #1? Good hand/eye coordination!

    4) Don't you just love this age? When they're mobile, but not tooooo mobile. And they don't yet know how to defiantly scream the word, "NO!".

    Great video! She'll have fun watching that one someday!

