Sunday, August 2, 2009

GREAT visit...Hard to say Good bye...

We had a wonderful visit with the Matthews & Aunt Tiffany. There were lots of tears as we said our good-byes at the airport (including by Gianna as we drove away).

Most of us slept well last night after a HARD day of playing. Aunt Tiffany made a wonderful breakfast of Snoqualmie Falls Pancakes. Millie continued to warm up to Gianna as she helped us with Gianna's bath last night, encouraging Michelle to have Gianna "eat milt" pointing to Michelle's chest, and Millie even "held" Gianna for a bit this afternoon...Millie was so comfortable with Gianna that she was even curious about the texture of Gianna's eyes.

This afternoon we all had another great visit with the Huggins, this time at the mall across the street. We all had lunch in the mall food court and Cousin Millie was so exhausted that she fell asleep there in her Dad, Bobby's, arms (which is apparently a first).

Laurie, Michelle, Nick, Millie, & Gianna shared a nice couch nap before they left.

Gianna did well with all the stimulation (noise) of having her cousins around, but we are expecting her to spend the next couple of days playing catch up in the sleep department! ;)

The Brunners Three

1 comment:

  1. We are so missing you three!! Thanks for the incredible hospitality and great times. Nick and Millie have been telling all our neighbors about the trip and how beautiful baby Gianna is. Thanks for all the fun. We love you bunches!!
    Laurie, Bobby, Nick and Millie
