Gianna continues to flourish. She's continuing to grow physically, expanding her vocabulary and continuing to test her limits.
Her sweet disposition is continuing to manifest itself and we continue to count our bounty of blessings on a daily basis.
Gianna recently got a car and she's been having a great time driving it around the neighborhood. Fortunately for her and us, it gets GREAT gas mileage! ;)
Gianna also really enjoys shopping. We went to the grocery store one recent evening when we lost power at our house. We were reminded of the "cleverness" of the product placement experts in locating desirable items at kids' levels in stores (of which she has some in her hands and is checking out some items in the display case).
Gianna stopped by to "dap" Santa after dinner the other night...Hopefully he remembers the "props" in about a month.
The Brunners Three